Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 42 8 Puppies in the pool! Really!

It was very clear I needed help to get 8 puppies in the pool. 
A good friend came with a small 
army of vigilant volunteers and we finally got 8 puppies in the pool.

The small army vigilant volunteers also held the puppies when they went for a drive and we discovered that if each one is held in a lap the puppies don't object to the transport. We will have to try that again.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 39 Puppies in the Pool

Puppy in the pool

Puppy out of the pool

It was not possible to have all 8 puppies in the pool at the same time.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 38 Hanging out with Mom

Day 37 Week 5 Rapid Transition

The puppies have organized their behavior pattern rapidly this past week. They wake up at 6AM and wail to go outside. I am not kidding!

Once on the grass they relieve themselves, have breakfast and play for about 90 minutes. Then they are ready for a nap.  About every 3-4 hours they are ready to come out, eliminate, eat  and play. Then off to the kennel to nap again.

During some of the play sessions Flo nurses and plays "keep-away" with them and their toys. I am going to try to have the camera ready for this today.

Last call is 10 pm. Thank goodness the daylight lengths are long. Somebody had this well planned out.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 35 Puppy containment woes

Right now I am wrestling with puppy containment.

There seems to be no contraption I devise that allows the mother in to nurse and yet keeps the puppies from breaking out.  Anything Flo can safely jump given her hanging bags, the puppies can jump or pull themselves over.

I think I am in deep trouble now.

 It's raining today and the pups are under shelter. Interestingly.  Some of the pups are calling to be allowed on the grass to eliminate. They wail and wander the kennel until I pick them up and put them on the grass and then they sniff a bit to find the right place. After, I put them back and they are fine with that. They are mostly using the "pee-pads" for pee but some use it for both. 

The pups are very active at daybreak and at nightfall. Most of their day is spent quietly eating and napping.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 28: Video: Now we are 4 weeks

This is the beginning of a crucial socialization period. Lots of play fill their day now. Note sleeping puppy (on left) about to be ambushed.

They are learning to interact with other dogs and their humans. For the time being, these puppies have many siblings to practice play and a very balanced Dam who looks in on them when she hears a worrisome squeek. She still nurses them from time to time. These puppies have human visitors that come and hold them. They all quickly settle down and drift to sleep when they find themselves in a warm lap. It's difficult to show how cute their play is because as soon as we have visitors they are picked up and soon drift off to sleep in their arms.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 27 First car rides

Today the first of two puppies took a short car ride with Flo. Flo loves traveling in the car but that was not true when she was a puppy. She needed about a month of short rides before the motion sickness left her.

Ms Pink and Ms White were the first volunteers. They objected every mile of the way and back.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 25 The Gurlz

Ms Violet

Ms Pink

Ms White

Ms Tangerine

Day 25 The Boyz

Mr Red

Mr Blue

Mr Green-Jeans

Mr Yellow

Day 24 Weaning

Today I noticed an entirely different thing. After Flo went into nurse the pups did not fall into their milk stupor sleep: instead they wandered around as if looking for something. That's certainly a signal that they are ready for supplementation. I put in a dish of bitch's milk replacement mixed up with some teaspoons of yogurt.

They had no problem cleaning up that dish!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 23 Teeeeeeth!

There are teeth erupting rapidly through the gums. Sharp little puppy teeth.

At the same time and probably not coincidently, Flo has switched to fast food mode.  She has begun providing less frequent and more mobile meals. She now stands while they nurse and the sessions are probably only as long as she can bear it. The puppies are voracious.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 22 So how are the pee pads working?

Pretty good,  actually! 
We clip the pee pads to a cafeteria tray and place it in one corner of the whelping box or kennel. and the puppies are pretty good about wandering over there, getting a scent, and then being stimulated to let loose. I am sure they are not setting off with their business in mind. It's more like: "Hmm smells like a good idea."

Day 21 Today we are 3 weeks old!

The pups were born at about 10.5 oz (give or take 1.5 oz). They gained weight steadily at a rate of about 1.5 oz per day. Now they are all over 3 lbs. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 20 Brownie pan to wading pool

Today my old brownie pan became a wading pool. It's just perfect for the puppies to wander through and get their feet wet.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 19 Introduced to the crate

Today the puppies were introduced to a crate. A small crate is kept in the daytime kennel for them to explore with a familiar towel in it. The door is off so they can go in and out and there's no opportunity for them to be trapped inside. Morning and night they are transported from the whelping box to the kennel in their crate. They are getting so heavy now that only 2 or 3 can be carried in the crate at a time.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 18 Puppies go to the spa

Mr Red getting the best of Mr Yellow in a match that went 2 rounds.

The weather was 80+. Puppies enjoyed a cooler morning in rough and tumble play, after which there was a definite need for freshening up. They voted for a cucumber and melon spa facial and ... Ahem ... the other parts too.

Much better!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 17 Ears are working

Here's Ms Tangerine showing off her new ears.....

The puppies are now using rapid orienting movements to orient to sounds. The ear flaps have developed into ears and the external canals appear to be open.

During the first few days the puppies used tactile cues to find Mom. A brush of her hair aside their muzzle was enough to turn them around to find her. Soon we began to hear definite scenting sounds to identify "who" is the source of the proximal movement, "Was it Mom or us?" As their eyes opened we noted that they would orient to lights and shadows. As the ears began to develop rapidly about 3 days ago we noted some sluggish reactions to sounds. Now they are much more aware of their environment even those at a distance.

In addition to being outside for a good part of the day, which by itself, is rich with new sounds (e.g. airplanes overhead; we are on a flyway, sirens close by;we are on a hospital route), we have added periods of exposure to "problem" sounds. This will begin to habituate these sounds early and to form an emotional foundation based on association with "safety".

When the pups are resting and well fed, and Mom is elsewhere, the pups listen to high fidelity recordings of  rain and thunderstorms, fireworks and gunshots.  The volume is kept low at this point: just high enough to get an orienting response from one or two of the pups during the loudest portions of the recording and yet have the pups quickly settle down to rest, play or sleep.

Luckily Mother Nature has been helping with this part of the puppy enrichment program. We have had many days with thunderstorms and rain this spring. The pups even got a dose of Town fireworks on Memorial Day.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 16 Pics of the Pups

Mr Yellow "Beau"

Ms Pink

Mr Red

Ms White

Mr Blue

Mr Green

Ms Tangerine

Ms Violet